The EC proposal could be strengthened
The European Commission has proposed a new regulation amending the one establishing a common market organisation of agricultural products (CMO), with the aim to strengthen farmers’ position in the agri-food supply chain.
The text defines when optional terms like “fair,” “equitable,” and “short supply chains,” can be used to describe the organisation of the supply chain when marketing agricultural products.
Article 88a of the amended regulation (Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013) precises: “The terms ‘fair’, ‘equitable’ or terms equivalent to these terms may be used only, alone or in combination with other terms, on the labelling, in the presentation, on advertising material or on commercial documents of a product of the sectors listed in Article 1(2) that is placed on the market, provided that these terms are used to inform purchasers about existing modalities for the organisation of production, distribution, or placing on the market, which contribute at least to:
- (a) stability and transparency in the relations of farmers with purchasers along the supply chain
- (b) a price considered equitable by participating farmers for their products, and
- (c) collective initiatives pursuing one or several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.”
These Fair Trade principles are rather vague and should be strengthened with the help of
- the International Fair Trade Charter;
- a Belgian law proposal
- and the Fair trade regulations in France
The European Parliament’s AGRI Committee will soon define its position on the EC proposal and make amendments before negotiations between the EP and the Council of the EU begin.