Trade for Development Centre is a programme of Enabel, the Belgian development agency.

Israeli-Palestinian initiatives for peace

The tensions between Israel and Palestine have recently culminated. Again they were drawn into the logic of war. Yet, in daily life there are Israelis and Palestinians who work together in fair trade projects to achieve closer relations between their communities.

Sindyanna of Galilea

Sindyanna of Galilea works with small Arab producers of olives, soap and spices. The organisation offers them better prices and helps them sell their Palestinian products in Israel and the Palestinian region, in Europe and the United States. Sindyanna of Galilea also advocates the recognition of the rights of the Arab population in Israel, looks for alternative solutions to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and supports both Israeli and Palestinian women groups.

Peace Oil

The Peace Oil project is a joint initiative of the main fair trade players in Israel and Palestine. In 2005, Sindyanna of Galilea, Green Action and Canaan Fair Trade joined their efforts to provide American and European consumers with superior quality olive oil from Israeli and Palestinian producers. The Peace Oil is marketed by Olive Branch Entreprise, a West Bank Palestinian organisation.

Israeli-Palestinian initiatives for peace


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