Trade for Development Centre is a programme of Enabel, the Belgian development agency.

Opinion poll: Responsible tourism

TDC wanted to carry out a qualitative and quantitative opinion poll with the general objective of understanding the relationship between the personal values of Belgian residents and their attitudes and behaviours in the field of tourism. In addition, they wanted to define their level of knowledge, their understanding and their perceptions of “responsible tourism”.

3 focus groups  were organised during the quantitative phase and 1,003 people living in Belgium were surveyed through the Internet about their travel habits as well as their attitudes, opinions and behaviours vis-à-vis responsible tourism. Since the TDC is chiefly interested in travel in the South, only people having travelled in Africa, Latin America, and Asia or Oceania were interviewed. The study also aimed to detect what key means there are to raise awareness about responsible tourism among people living in Belgium and to better develop more responsible tourism.
Here are some results:
  • 34% of the people polled are familiar with the notion of responsible tourism and 17% say that they have ever practised this type of tourism.
  • 61% confirms always or often using the Internet to book their holidays.
    47% of respondents think that travelling in a responsible way implies a strong reduction of comfort.
  • Except for luxury and well-being, most respondents believe that responsible tourism could fulfil (or even exceed) their expectations (discovery and change of scene…) to the same degree as conventional tourism.
  • Only 15% of respondents would be willing to pay 2% more for their holidays to compensate for CO2 emissions.

Principal results and recommendations


Key figures


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