The region around the Great Lakes of Central Africa — Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo — is better known for its conflict than for its coffee. However, these countries are traditional coffee-producing lands that have emerged as a vital source of high-end coffee in less than ten years. The […]
Sector: Coffee
Established in 2007 with its headquarters in Kampala, Uganda and its country offices in Kenya and Burundi, Africa Coffee Academy is an independent source of coffee knowledge consultancy, training and direct services. ACA is a private sector-led initiative that aims to provide technical assistance to the coffee value chain to ensure compliance to international market requirements […]
La Coopérative Agriole Nan Etitinou de Kranzadougou – COOPANEK, dont le siège est à Duekoué, a été créée en 2011. Certifiée Fairtrade en avril 2017, elle compte 1229 membres répartis dans 8 sections et a une production estimée à près de 3000 tonnes de cacao sur une superficie totale de 4410ha, ainsi qu’un potentiel de production de 1000 tonnes en café. La coopérative bénéficie à […]
Créée le 24 août 2006 avec 350 producteurs dont 10 femmes, la Coopérative agricole Yeyasso compte aujourd’hui 5683 membres dont 688 femmes, répartis sur 6 sections couvrant une quarantaine de villages pour une production de 7 000 000 kg (café-cacao).Yeyasso signifie “la maison de l’espoir” en langue mahouka (dans la région du Bafing, Touba). La Coopérative est spécialisée dans la production, la collecte et la commercialisation de […]
Registered in 2011 by former members of Abanya Rwenzori Mountaineering Association, a community tourism project, the cooperative is composed of 25 member groups operating in Kabarole, Bundibugyo and Ntoroko districts in the Rwenzori region of western Uganda. The cooperative’s main products include Arabica and Robusta coffee and they became Fairtrade certified at the end of 2016. The inspiration for the cooperative came from an AMA Field Officer working together with […]
Karangura Peak Coffee, located in Karanugra sub country, started in 2013 as a registered association and later transformed into a cooperative society in 2017, producing natural Arabica coffee. The now Fairtrade-certified cooperative was created with the support of TJX, with the central aim of tackling the low levels of education beyond the primary level in the two communities of Mount Gessi […]
Kanyenze People’s Co-operative started as a community-based organisation in 2000 and became fully registered in June 2007 by the registrar of cooperatives. During the war (1996-2001), people lost their homes and poverty dotted the region. After the war, people returned and were mobilized to address issues of poverty and female empowerment, among others. They realized that natural Arabica coffee was a common commodity among all farmers, […]
Ankole Coffee Producers est une coopérative située dans le sud-ouest de l’Ouganda, née en 2006. Active dans le café, elle regroupe 25 coopératives primaires, et représente quelque 10 000 producteurs. La plupart d’entre eux possèdent la double certification bio et Fairtrade. La coopérative a bénéficié d’une trajectoire de coaching en marketing de 2016 à 2017 du TDC. La coopérative ACPU reçoit actuellement un appui financier […]
Wild Tracks is a Tanzanian-Norwegian safari and coffee company owned by the couple Beate Hustad Aamodt and Frank Mbise. The company was founded in 2001, and since then, Wild Tracks has grown to include a large number of employees, and organises various trips from luxury to the most modest, such as camping. Since 2014, Wild […]
Ces 25 dernières années, le Sud-Kivu a été en proie à des violences extrêmes. Bien souvent, les caféiculteurs ont dû quitter en toute hâte leurs champs et ont risqué leur vie en tentant de traverser le lac Kivu pour aller vendre leur café au Rwanda. Les caféiers y sont vieux, et les sols épuisés. Et […]