Fair trade week Fair trade week is an annual campaign that showcases fair trade and fair trade products in an original way across Belgium, during ten days. Follow our campaign on the Fair trade week website, in French or Dutch.
Fair trade week

Fair trade week Fair trade week is an annual campaign that showcases fair trade and fair trade products in an original way across Belgium, during ten days. Follow our campaign on the Fair trade week website, in French or Dutch.
Where can I find fair trade products? Fair trade organizations Miel Maya Honing Miel Maya Honing is an NGO recognised by the DGDC (Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation): it supports bee-keeping projects in Mexico and Guatemala and carries out development education work in Belgium, focusing on public awareness-raising of Fair Trade issues. Miel Maya Honing Oxfam […]
What is fair trade? Fair trade is a type of trade that gives smallholders, especially in the South, the opportunity to develop in a sustainable way. One of the most important principles is that smallholders get a fair price for their product, but there is more to it than that. Fair trade objective, definition and principles […]
Fair and sustainable trade Fair trade What is fair trade? Where can I find fairtradeproducts? Fair Trade Week Sustainable trade What is sustainable trade? Statistics and trends Organic agriculture in the South What is organic agriculture? Labels, standards and brands organic agriculture: statistics and trends Participatory guarantee systems
Trade for Development Centre Trade for Development Centre is a programme of Enabel, the Belgian development agency. We believe that fair and sustainable trade are a way to decrease poverty. It gives smallholders in the South the opportunity to develop in a sustainable way. We work around three main themes: producer support, sharing information and raising […]
The number of shoe brands claiming to be ethical and/or ecological has mushroomed in recent years. So much so that some of them are on the verge of becoming major players on this huge market. Fleeting fad or a sea change for a business that is worth tens of billions of dollars?
In recent years, many fair and sustainable trade cooperatives and small businesses from partner countries of the
Belgian Development Cooperation received support of the
Trade for Development Centre. Either in the form of
financial support or via coaching in marketing or finance and
business management, or a combination of the two.
The goal is always the same, i.e. improve the market opportunities for small producers. Some of these cooperatives
have developed business relations with businesses operating in Belgium.
This presentation gives an overview on the advantages and shortcomings of the voluntary sustainability standards Fairtrade International, Utz and Rainforest Alliance in the cocoa sector.
Delhaize offers some seventy fair trade products, mainly coffee, tea, sugar, cookies, vegetables and fruit. At ‘Sinterklaas’ in December and Easter, the supermarket chain also offers chocolate figurines. In addition to fair trade products under Delhaize’s own brand name you can also buy products from Oxfam, Candico and Ben & Jerry’s. Delhaize has worked with Fairtrade Belgium for more than 25 years and continuous support to sustainable trade is an essential part of its strategy.
When Didier Clarisse and his wife took over an artisanal waffle bakery, they wanted to expand the business, but it soon became clear that a large industrial business was not their piece of cake. Instead, they ventured into a quality approach. After exploring the market they switched to organic waffles and shortly after to fair trade too.