Trade for Development Centre is a programme of Enabel, the Belgian development agency.


Founded in 2010 in Peru, COOPAIN CABANA is an agro-industrial cooperative that produces organic quinoa and cañihua. Currently composed of more than 600 families, it is a cooperative that practises family farming. These families grow, process and market organic products adapted to national and international markets. The activity of this cooperative allows a better socio-economic situation for the […]


The region around the Great Lakes of Central Africa — Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo — is better known for its history of conflict than coffee. However, these countries are traditional coffee-producing lands that have emerged as a vital source of high-end coffee in the last ten years. The […]

COOKKANZ : Coopérative Kawa Kanzururu

La Coopérative KAWA KANZURURU (COOKKANZ) est une organisation paysanne, créée en 2014 par les producteurs et productrices du café arabica dans le secteur de Ruwenzori, territoire de Beni avec l’accompagnement et l’appui de RIKOLTO-RDCongo. Elle intervient dans la production, la collecte, le traitement et la commercialisation du café de ses membres réunis dans les 24 […]

La Coopérative Agricole pour le développement de Sassandra (CADESA COOP CA)

Dans une vision d’apporter un mieux-être et un impact sur la vie des producteurs, Cadesa s’est créée en 2003. Cette coopérative, située en CIV dans la région du Gbkolé (Adebem, Sassandra), a pour activité principale la production, la collecte et l’exportation des fèves de cacao. Elle a 2000 membres producteurs (dont environ 300 femmes) et […]


Au Burundi, le terme « Horamama » rappelle avant tout une chanson traditionnelle entonnée par les femmes qui se rendent au champ ou qui rentrent chez elles. Il signifie « courage » ou « puissance », et est censé leur faire oublier leur fatigue. À présent, Horamama est aussi la marque de café de la COCOCA, une union de 33 coopératives […]

COCAGI : Coopérative des caféiculteurs de Gishoma

The region around the Great Lakes of Central Africa — Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo — is better known for its conflict than for its coffee. However, these countries are traditional coffee-producing lands that have emerged as a vital source of high-end coffee in less than ten years. The […]


With the conflict in Palestine in mind, Nasser Abufarha decided to use the knowledge he acquired in the United States to help the Palestinian people. He realised that the concept of fair trade development could be a good way to overcome the difficult trading conditions of Palestinian farmers. They encounter difficulties in marketing abroad, shortcomings […]


Arrière-petit-fils d’un colon belge, Charles Ndabazaki Schafrad, 39 ans, bénéficie d’une concession d’une centaine d’hectares à Nioka, dans le district d’Ituri qui forme le «coin» nord-est de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), à la frontière de l’Ouganda. Depuis son enfance, il cultive sa terre ancestrale. Mais en 2004, à cause de la guerre civile, […]

Asunafo Cocoa Farmers

Located within the Asunafo North Municipality, Asunafo Cocoa Farmers is among seven other cocoa farmer unions in Ghana established in 2008 after the Cadbury Cocoa Partnership celebration (now Mondelez International). In 2012, the Union became Fairtrade Certified. Currently, the Union produces over 16,000 MT of dried cocoa beans and operates in 75 primary societies, with […]


ASOGUABO, or the association of small banana producers of El Guabo, was founded in 1997 by 14 producers in El Guabo, Ecuador. In 1990, the Ecuadorian banana industry was mainly dominated by giant multinationals, while small producers had to sell their bananas through traders that enjoyed offering a meagre price. The first 14 producers of […]

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