Trade for Development Centre is a programme of Enabel, the Belgian development agency.


The federation of small bio agri-exporters in the south of Ecuador, or APEOSAE, is a second-degree cooperative created in 2006 to provide better commercial alternatives for coffee, cocoa, bananas and other agricultural products from the farms of its members. APEOSAE commercialised certified bio and fair trade products. Due to the structural limitation to the collection, […]


Created in 1991, AOPEB is an association of ecological producer organisations in Bolivia. This association supports organic producers in the development of a form of agriculture that respects the environment and the sustainable use of biodiversity, respecting international standards and the wisdom preserved by Andean-Amazonian cultures. Nowadays, AOPEB represents and works with 85 partners at […]

AMKA : Amka Mlimaji Wa Kahawa

AMKA (Amka Mlimaji Wa Kahawa) qui signifie « Réveille-toi ! » en swahili, a été fondée en 2011 dans la région de Minova (Sud-Kivu) sous l’impulsion de l’ONG belge Comequi, qui paie toujours tous les salaires. Des pépinières ont été créées dans un premier temps, puis une station de lavage du café comprenant une dépulpeuse. […]


It was thanks to a group of university graduates that Allpa was created in Lima, Peru, in 1932. Allpa is a business enterprise that wanted to help poor native communities to generate a living from their traditional skills. It is important to remember that due to the competition from emerging industrialised countries in Asia, fair […]


L’huile essentielle de patchouli est distillée à partir des feuilles de l’herbe du même nom. Ingrédient aromatique important pour l’industrie des cosmétiques et la parfumerie, cet excellent fixateur de parfums n’est pas concurrencé par des substituts synthétiques. Autre fait intéressant, pour les producteurs cette fois : le patchouli se cultive en association avec d’autres cultures […]


One of the many cooperatives in Central Ghana’s Ashanti region is the Kookoo Pa Farmers Association. The organization originated with a Dutch NGO Solidaridad program, which trained 352 farmers in sustainable production methods using the Utz standards. In 2009, the farmers decided to create an independent organization to defend their interests better. Today, approximately 8600 […]

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