The region around the Great Lakes of Central Africa — Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo — is better known for its conflict than for its coffee. However, these countries are traditional coffee-producing lands that have emerged as a vital source of high-end coffee in less than ten years. The […]


As the world’s 12th biggest coffee-exporting country, Ecuador is one of the few countries to produce both of the two significant beans consumed worldwide: Arabica and Robusta. Despite that fact, many Manabi farmers in the north-west of the country struggle to make a decent living. The already small growing areas in the region have been […]


La coopérative Dusangirijambo est une organisation de caféiculteurs des collines créée en 2009 dans le nord de la province de Kayanza, une des principales régions caféières du Burundi. Dusangirijambo est membre d’une union de coopératives des caféiculteurs COCOCA et elle est certifiée Fairtrade depuis 2013. La coopérative a construit sa propre station de lavage afin […]


The region around the Great Lakes of Central Africa — Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo — is better known for its history of conflict than coffee. However, these countries are traditional coffee-producing lands that have emerged as a vital source of high-end coffee in the last ten years. The […]

COOPADE : Coopérative Paysanne de Développement

Les fermes membres de la Coopérative Paysanne de Développement (COOPADE/COOP-CA), fondée en 2014, sont situées dans la région de Lubero, en bordure du parc national des Virunga, à une altitude de 1300 à 2100 m. En 2019, la COOPADE comptait 4518 membres dont 3089 certifiés UTZ et BIO et 1429 membres en phase de conversion. […]


The region around the Great Lakes of Central Africa — Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo — is better known for its history of conflict than coffee. However, these countries are traditional coffee-producing lands that have emerged as a vital source of high-end coffee in the last ten years. The […]

COOKKANZ : Coopérative Kawa Kanzururu

La Coopérative KAWA KANZURURU (COOKKANZ) est une organisation paysanne, créée en 2014 par les producteurs et productrices du café arabica dans le secteur de Ruwenzori, territoire de Beni avec l’accompagnement et l’appui de RIKOLTO-RDCongo. Elle intervient dans la production, la collecte, le traitement et la commercialisation du café de ses membres réunis dans les 24 […]

Africa Coffee Academy

Established in 2007 with its headquarters in Kampala, Uganda and its country offices in Kenya and Burundi, Africa Coffee Academy is an independent source of coffee knowledge consultancy, training and direct services. ACA is a private sector-led initiative that aims to provide technical assistance to the coffee value chain to ensure compliance to international market requirements […]


Au Burundi, le terme « Horamama » rappelle avant tout une chanson traditionnelle entonnée par les femmes qui se rendent au champ ou qui rentrent chez elles. Il signifie « courage » ou « puissance », et est censé leur faire oublier leur fatigue. À présent, Horamama est aussi la marque de café de la COCOCA, une union de 33 coopératives […]

COCAGI : Coopérative des caféiculteurs de Gishoma

The region around the Great Lakes of Central Africa — Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo — is better known for its conflict than for its coffee. However, these countries are traditional coffee-producing lands that have emerged as a vital source of high-end coffee in less than ten years. The […]

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