The federation of small bio agri-exporters in the south of Ecuador, or APEOSAE, is a second-degree cooperative created in 2006 to provide better commercial alternatives for coffee, cocoa, bananas and other agricultural products from the farms of its members. APEOSAE commercialised certified bio and fair trade products. Due to the structural limitation to the collection, […]
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Created in 1991, AOPEB is an association of ecological producer organisations in Bolivia. This association supports organic producers in the development of a form of agriculture that respects the environment and the sustainable use of biodiversity, respecting international standards and the wisdom preserved by Andean-Amazonian cultures. Nowadays, AOPEB represents and works with 85 partners at […]
AMKA (Amka Mlimaji Wa Kahawa) qui signifie « Réveille-toi ! » en swahili, a été fondée en 2011 dans la région de Minova (Sud-Kivu) sous l’impulsion de l’ONG belge Comequi, qui paie toujours tous les salaires. Des pépinières ont été créées dans un premier temps, puis une station de lavage du café comprenant une dépulpeuse. […]
It was thanks to a group of university graduates that Allpa was created in Lima, Peru, in 1932. Allpa is a business enterprise that wanted to help poor native communities to generate a living from their traditional skills. It is important to remember that due to the competition from emerging industrialised countries in Asia, fair […]
Founded in 2010 in Peru, COOPAIN CABANA is an agro-industrial cooperative that produces organic quinoa and cañihua. Currently composed of more than 600 families, it is a cooperative that practises family farming. These families grow, process and market organic products adapted to national and international markets. The activity of this cooperative allows a better socio-economic situation for the […]
Au Maroc, les activités de création artisanale en matière textile sont traditionnellement réservées aux femmes qui contribuent ainsi aux ressources familiales. A Marrakech, au cœur d’une des plus belles villes du Maroc, s’est développée depuis des siècles une tradition de tissage reconnue sur tout le pourtour méditerranéen. C’est aussi dans cette cité ancestrale aux mille […]
Au Burundi, Denise Nzeyimana et Adélard Nkeshimana dirigent IDEP, une entreprise productrice d’huile de tournesol. Depuis 2017, l’entreprise est coachée par le Trade Development Centre, un programme d’Enabel, l’Agence belge de développement. Retour sur une expérience entrepreneuriale et ses progrès impressionnants. Bienvenue à Bujumbura, capitale économique du Burundi. La ville située au bord du Lac […]
The Kukuom (AGL) Cooperative Cocoa Farmers and Marketing Union was created in 2011. Currently, the Union has 29 primary societies and 2,567 individual members, of which 898 are women. The cooperative aims to support cocoa farmers in Kukuom in using acceptable agricultural, social, environmental, and governance practices that meet Fairtrade standards to increase value for […]