TDC is een programma van Enabel, het Belgisch Ontwikkelingsagentschap.

La Coopérative Agricole pour le développement de Sassandra (CADESA COOP CA)

Dans une vision d’apporter un mieux-être et un impact sur la vie des producteurs, Cadesa s’est créée en 2003. Cette coopérative, située en CIV dans la région du Gbkolé (Adebem, Sassandra), a pour activité principale la production, la collecte et l’exportation des fèves de cacao. Elle a 2000 membres producteurs (dont environ 300 femmes) et […]

COCAGI : Coopérative des caféiculteurs de Gishoma

The region around the Great Lakes of Central Africa — Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of the Congo — is better known for its conflict than for its coffee. However, these countries are traditional coffee-producing lands that have emerged as a vital source of high-end coffee in less than ten years. The […]

KIWATA : Kikundi Cha Wakulima Wa Tangawizi

KIWATA is a kidney bean and ginger farmers cooperative with 500 members located in Madaba, 115 km from the Songea municipality. The cooperative’s goal is to promote the growth and promotion of organic ginger and red kidney beans by using international organic farming best practices. KIWATA’s aim is to ensure high-quality organic certification for its […]


The region around the Great Lakes of Central Africa — Rwanda, Burundi, Uganda, Tanzania, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo — is better known for its conflict than for its coffee. However, these countries are traditional coffee-producing lands that have emerged as a vital source of high-end coffee in less than ten years. The […]


Rwanda has the ideal climate for growing high-quality macadamia nuts. But since smallholder businesses primarily control production with limited technical know-how, the potential is underutilised.Ten Senses Africa (TSA) is dedicated to producing organic products thanks to Fair Trade and ethical best practices. To develop such a sustainable value chain that focusses on Fair Trade nuts […]


Wild Tracks is a Tanzanian-Norwegian safari and coffee company owned by the couple Beate Hustad Aamodt and Frank Mbise. The company was founded in 2001, and since then, Wild Tracks has grown to include a large number of employees, and organises various trips from luxury to the most modest, such as camping. Since 2014, Wild […]

Fédération Yakaar Niani Wulli

La fédération Yakaar Niani Wulli a été créé en 1997 suite à la perte de productivité de l’agriculture sénégalaise (cause climatique, baisse de fertilité des sols liée à la pression démographique, mauvaise gestion des ressources naturelles). Cette fédération rassemble des producteurs engagés dans une vision agroécologique du développement de leurs territoires. Lors de sa création, […]


Les femmes de la coopérative Tighanimine produisent, dans le sud du Maroc, de l’huile d’argan équitable, un ingrédient très prisé dans les produits cosmétiques et la cuisine. Cette huile est produite par pressage des amandons provenant de l’arganier, un arbre qui fait office de rempart contre la désertification dans la région. Le TDC a déjà […]


With the conflict in Palestine in mind, Nasser Abufarha decided to use the knowledge he acquired in the United States to help the Palestinian people. He realised that the concept of fair trade development could be a good way to overcome the difficult trading conditions of Palestinian farmers. They encounter difficulties in marketing abroad, shortcomings […]


Beschrijving It was thanks to a group of university graduates that Allpa was created in Lima, Peru, in 1932. Allpa is a business enterprise that wanted to help poor native communities to generate a living from their traditional skills. It is important to remember that due to the competition from emerging industrialised countries in Asia, […]

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