Trade for Development Centre is a programme of Enabel, the Belgian development agency.

Search Results for: cocoa

TDC at the World Cocoa Conference

From April 21 -24th, Enabel participated at the World Cocoa Conference, organized in Brussels. The TDC took part in a panel on ‘Farmer income and Social responsibility in cocoa farming’
In recent years, TDC had been very active in supporting producers in the cocoa sector. A brief overview of the work that has been done and the main results.

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Webinar: the living income gap in the cocoa sector

April 27th, Yeyasso, Fairtrade Belgium, Galler Chocolaterie and Enabel’s TDC organised a webinar on the living income gap in the cocoa sector. Measuring this gap between the real household incomes of producers and what is considered a decent income is really important. It can also be a tool to better define policies to support producers, by cooperatives of other stakeholders. 

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Cocoa farmer and coach: the inspiring journey of Djakaridja Bitie

In 2017, the Ivorian cocoa cooperative ECAM received coaching in financial, business and marketing management from the TDC (Enabel’s Trade for Development Centre). At the end of December we spoke to Djakaridja Bitie, one of the members of ECAM. We asked him to reflect on the development of the cooperative, and about his own professional future as a TDC coach.

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Wassa East Cocoa

Wassa East Cocoa was established in 2009 and incorporated as a cooperative under Ghanian law in 2011. The cooperative comprises of 57 primary societies, with

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Asunafo Cocoa Farmers

Located within the Asunafo North Municipality, Asunafo Cocoa Farmers is among seven other cocoa farmer unions in Ghana established in 2008 after the Cadbury Cocoa

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