Trade for Development Centre is a programme of Enabel, the Belgian development agency.

Search Results for: cocoa – Page 4

Wanted: a global standard for sustainable cocoa

Chocolate is everywhere, but this widespread availability sharply contrasts with the extreme poverty of cocoa farmers which undermines the future of the whole sector. The sector agrees on that bleak outlook.
But solutions and strategies diverge. At least the ISO/CEN process has brought all stakeholders around the table.

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The availability of sustainable banana, coffee, tea and cocoa products in Belgian supermarkets

This study carried out by IPSOS in the name of the Trade for Development Centre (TDC) aims to give an overview of the availability of sustainable banana, cocoa, coffee and tea products in the assortments of major Belgian supermarkets. The 4 product categories (bananas – coffee – tea – cocoa) were chosen as the focus for this research by TDC, because these are tropical commodities produced in the South and because these are core categories for the labels which are internationally recognized as sustainable labels.

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Cocoa: a lever for development

Cocoa is a mythical food with surprising origins that has made its way around the globe. Starting in Central America, it spread in the holds of merchant ships during the era when the world was opening up to explorers. Limited to the zone between the tropics, from which it cannot escape, the cocoa tree is fragile and delicate and its trunk and branches hold a bizarre, inedible fruit. A fruit, though, that is highly prized.

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Yeyasso is making its way

On the occasion of the World Cocoa Conference held in Brussels from 21 to 24 April, the Trade for Development Centre met Yeo Yesson Moussa, Managing Director of Yeyasso, based in Man, Côte d’Ivoire. The meeting was an opportunity to take stock of the cooperative’s projects.

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Enabel, Yeyasso’s first Belgian partner 

At the World Cocoa Conference held in Brussels from 21 to 24 April, Yeo Moussa, Director of the Yeyasso cooperative, spoke about the support provided by Enabel’s Trade for Development Centre. He was speaking on a panel entitled “Policy Approach of the Belgian Development Cooperation for Sustainable Cocoa Supply Chain”. 

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Call for Proposals Grants – business support organisations 

The TDC aims to promote sustainable production and responsible consumption. It accomplishes this by strengthening production and consumption chains so that they become more sustainable (diversified, climate-smart), more inclusive and more respectful of human rights. 

Through this Call for Proposals, the TDC aims to support Business Support Organisations (BSOs) so that the MSMEs they support have access to quality support services in terms of sustainability and respect for human rights. 

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