Trade for Development Centre is a programme of Enabel, the Belgian development agency.

Search Results for: cocoa – Page 5


Established in 2005, Belvas, the chocolate factory whose name stands for Belgium and “Valeur Ajoutée pour le Sud” (vas) meaning added value for the South, has made fair trade its trademark. Thierry Noesen, the founder, puts it simply, “If a customer asks for non-fair trade chocolate, we have to say we don’t do that here.”

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The Cacao-Trace programme, set up in 2015 by Belgian bakery and chocolate specialist Puratos, aims to improve the living conditions of planters by focusing on improved cocoa quality, which also means increased value.

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Call for applications coaching

Call for Applications targeting MSMEs with a social purpose or producers’ organisations to benefit from a coaching in sustainability and decent work; a coaching in financial and business management; a coaching in marketing and sales management.

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Call for proposals grants

Call for Proposal in 2 phases targeting MSMEs with a social purpose or producers’ organisations for the implementation of a strategy and/or an action plan to become more sustainable and more respectful of decent income and decent work.

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TDC and the living income gap

Enabel’s Trade for Development Centre coaches producer cooperatives and Business support organisations (BSO’s) in business management, finance and marketing. The TDC has also started to support cooperatives in calculating the living income gap in producers’ households.

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Coaching the coaches, TDC does that too 

The Trade for Development Centre (TDC) wants to increase its impact. That’s why it’s not limiting itself to directly supporting cooperatives in the South. The TDC also assists ‘business support organisations’, which in turn support other organisations locally. We zoom in on this lesser-known, but no less effective form of support.

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